Damanhur Experience 2023
To the Music of Silence
And the shape it took at Damanhur, ToT, Septembre 2023
To the Music of Silence
We closed the circle, with Gratitude.
It started the previous Sunday, when from seldom different countries, fourteen of us plus our guide and teacher, reunite together.
Yes, because maybe at other place, or in other time, we have already been together.
Today, the energy of the encounter is still beating heartily inside myself.
There are moments in life, that extend their touch and care, furthermore than the eyes can see.
Moments that are inspiring, touching, sparkling.
I like to call for that moments.
And welcoming them into my life, when magically they arrive.
We closed the circle with gratitude.
With poetry.
With the kind of art that flows from deep within our eyes.
That one that glows in the deepest dark, and ignites the fire of our hearts.
Someone told me that I live life through poetry. Through an intense connection to the senses that around us fulfil nature, animals and humans, with colour, rhythm, light and beauty.
Maybe it is true.
Maybe poetry is a language that speaks to us through every second of our lives.
Definitely, I trust the strong messages hidden in that language.
Messages of trust, inspiration an interconnectedness.
With deep gratitude the circle of this season has closed.
Deep gratitude.
And still, now that a couple of days have already passed by, I can recall that mysterious and powerful connection that link ourselves from now on.
There is a kind of a family bondage between us, that recognises in each other a member of our own family. Someone who has been, is and will be, our partner in the road. Someone who has overcome next to us, the same obstacles. And loved the same food. Enjoyed the same walkings. And got inspired by the same gift experiences.
I feel honoured to have meet you all.
To have had the chance to share our pathways, and with kind respect and bright curiosity, learn from each other life's visions, perspectives and experiences.
I feel grateful to have so much to embrace.
So many moments of deep listening, caring attention, awakening awareness.
I feel I'm part of your journey, and you are part of mine.
And looking up to the sky, I can't help but to smile.
To smile and recall each of your eyes, each of your unique glance.
I love to dance.
And to go on learning how to dance, next to your own steps.
Please, if you too, wish to stay on the road together, and to go on into the wild unknown, to discover what our life paths will have on awaiting so long, please, do not hesitate, and write to me!
Let's create the new season, and follow the next step of the road ahead!
With deep love and gratitude,
with bright joy
and light jump...
To all of you.
Have you ever heard of Damanhur?
I haven't, have you?
What is it?
Is it worth to visit?
Would I enjoyed the stay
if I decide myself,
and make the step?
And then,
the road stay ahead.
Trees meet our glances,
and touch deep within our senses.
Rocks talk from ancient places,
and people hold hands together,
without expenses.
I recall a similar moment,
a similar time,
draw there, upon the sky.
And while awakening to the here and now,
something else is now aware,
of differences that become stars.
Shining stars.
There is a lighthouse
that stand tall
and embrace the shore.
It welcomes the unknown,
and open the door.
Have you find it already
while you walked outdoors?
I haven't, have you?
What is it?
Is it worth to visit?
Would I enjoyed the stay
if I decide myself,
and make the step?
And then,
the road stay ahead.
While the cook stays so bright
While the food stays so bright,
please, hold me tight.
While the food sparks so nice,
please, allow me to stay,
for one more night.
While inside the cooking heart,
love goes on shining so right,
please let's celebrate one more time!
That we are here,
all together and full of great delight.
Tell me
Tell me, who are you?
Tell me, where are we?
Tell me, can we?
Tell me, do we?
Tell me that is here.
Right now,
that I want to be.
My dearest heart.
Tell me.
Text and Pictures: Ainoa Soler
September 2023, Damanhur, Federation of Communities, Italy